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Heartbeat Of An Angel Detail

The watermark in this artwork preview will not be printed on the finished product.

Also Available As
Giclee Art Poster
Framed Art Print
Greeting Card  
Wall Calendar
Original $1000
  • Size
  • Color
  • Print Side
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • X-Large
  • XX-Large
Pick Color:
  • White
    Heartbeat Of An Angel Detail - White
  • Black
    Heartbeat Of An Angel Detail - Black
Pick Print Side:
  • Front
    The image will be printed on the front of your T-Shirt.
    * Maximum printing area of 8.5"x11" (or 11"x8.5")
  • Back
    The image will be printed on the back of your T-Shirt.
    * Maximum printing area of 8.5"x11" (or 11"x8.5")

Total: $20.25

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Have you ever wondered what an angels heartbeat feels like? Take a moment and look at this art. You may just find out. In either case, you will be blessed. I hope you enjoy this art. Be well. Warmest regards, Scot Alpert

About Art T-Shirts

T-Shirt Our T-Shirts are printed in full color, have an 11"x8.5" print area, and are made of 100% cotton. We can print your favorite art on the front or the back of the T-Shirt.
Great for all promotional and networking events such as:
  • Gallery Openings
  • Trade Shows
  • Art Fairs
  • or promoting your art casually

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We're committed to quality products and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days of your order and receive a free replacement or a full refund for the price of the product.